A child with glasses and a braid working at a table with her speech therapist.

Speech-Language Therapy

At the Schreiber Center for Pediatric Development, our Speech-Language Therapy services are designed to support children in developing crucial communication and language skills. Our skilled therapists craft individualized therapy plans to meet each child's specific needs, aiming to enhance their ability to communicate effectively and reach their fullest potential.

What We Offer

We are committed to providing exceptional pediatric therapy that empowers children to thrive. Our pediatric therapists specialize in speech-language delays, articulation and hearing loss, fluency disorders, voice disorders and feeding and/or swallowing difficulties.

Communication Skills Development

Enhancing speech production, articulation, and overall expressive and receptive language abilities.

Feeding and Swallowing

Assisting with oral-motor skills and feeding difficulties, including Beckman Trained techniques for safe and effective feeding and VitalStim therapy.

Language Disorders

Addressing challenges with expressive and receptive language, including early language development and complex communication needs.

Social Communication

Improving pragmatic language skills, social interactions, and non-verbal communication.

Voice and Fluency

Managing voice disorders, stuttering, and gender-affirming voice training to support clear and confident communication.


Convenient, accessible, and personalized support to clients, enabling them to receive speech-language therapy remotely.

Specialized Therapies

Supporting bilingual language development, Gestalt Language Processing (GLP), Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI), and natural language acquisition (NLA).

Harper looking up and smiling while walking on pavement wearing a blue backpack.

Parent Testimonial

Harper’s mom, Kirsten

“Harper went from barely speaking to becoming a little talking machine, thanks to speech therapy at Schreiber. We’ve seen her transform into this vibrant, expressive little lady.” 

Expressive & Confident

When she first began, Harper was only able to say a few words, but with weekly speech-language therapy sessions she is now expressing herself more clearly and confidently every day. Harper’s progress is a testament to the impact of personalized care our team provides to help each child thrive.

Expertise and Specializations



Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC)

Autism Spectrum Disorders

Bilingual Language Development

Complex Communication Needs

Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI)

Early Intervention

Early Language

Expressive/Receptive Language Disorders

Feeding (Beckman Trained)

Gender Affirming Voice Training

Gestalt Language Processing (GLP)

Medically Complex Clients

Natural Language Acquisition (NLA)

Phonological Disorders

Sign Language

Spanish Speaking Clients

