Celebrating the Schreiber 2024 Summer Olympics

During the Schreiber 2024 Summer Olympics our #SchreiberKids kids engaged in specially adapted Olympic-themed activities designed to integrate therapy goals with imaginative play. From field hockey and tennis to judo and boxing, every Schreiber Olympic activity was crafted to be both fun and therapeutic.

Bernie Hershey, a dedicated Occupational Therapist with over 21 years of experience at the Schreiber Center, masterminded the Summer Olympics. “The goal of these two weeks of themed activities is to celebrate the amazing accomplishments of our kids in a way that makes them feel special, while also keeping them on track with their therapy goals,” she explains.

OT Bernie and Lillian

Throughout the event, kids participated in Olympic-themed games, sensory bins, and even worksheets. Kyrain’s mom, Tyara Borsella, shared, “Schreiber always makes Kyrain feel like a champion, but special activities and events like the Schreiber Summer Olympics bring it to a whole new level of inclusion that I’m so grateful for.”

Tyara, Kyrain, and PT Alexa

Grayson’s mom, Brittany Smith, echoed this sentiment, “Grayson always has a blast in his sessions, but events like the Schreiber Summer Olympics add an extra layer of excitement and motivation. We’re so grateful for the creativity and care that goes into making therapy fun and effective.”

OT Bernie and Grayson

Angie Rice, Director of Therapy Services, praised the event, saying, “Occupational therapist Bernie Hershey’s dedication to creating engaging activities for our kids not only benefits her clients but also provides a fantastic opportunity for all the kiddos at the Schreiber Center to enjoy and thrive. This innovative approach to therapy is part of what makes our center so special.”

As we close the chapter on the 2024 Schreiber Summer Olympics, we celebrate the hard work, determination, and achievements of all our Schreiber kids. They are truly gold medalists in every sense, embodying the spirit of perseverance and joy that defines our center.

Support inclusive and innovative therapies like the Schreiber 2024 Summer Olympics by donating to our Kids’ Care Fund today. Your generosity helps us continue to create these joyful, impactful events, ensuring every child can achieve their therapy goals in a fun and supportive environment.

As a nationally recognized pediatric facility, the Schreiber Center for Pediatric Development provides family-centered education and therapy programs for infants, children and adolescents with disabilities, developmental delays, and acquired injuries. Our goal-oriented approach maximizes each child’s ability to function independently within the community.

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